As a therapist I hear this question all the time. Whether I’m in a session with a client or even when I’m living my life and not working. People do wonder. How can I tell if I’m depressed? There are actually some simple ways for you to tell if you have symptoms of...
Blog by Suki Khangura, C.C.C. If we look at the clinical definition of anxiety from the DSM- 5 it states “anxiety is excessive worry and apprehensive expectations, occurring more days than not for at least 6 months, about a number of events or activities, such as work...
– Post written by Olivia Assuncao, C.C.C., R.M.F.T. Breath is so fundamental and automatic that we sometimes forget how much control we actually have over our breathing. Our breathing regulates our heart rate and can increase or decrease the perception of...
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