Our Wellness Blog

Welcome to our Wellness Blog!  This is where we like to share the things that are new and exciting, as well as, helpful resources to support our client experience.

Suki’s journey to becoming a therapist

My journey to becoming a therapist is rooted in my own work of becoming more authentic within myself. Growing up as a first generation Canadian created conflict within myself, a conflict between my heart and my brain I would like to say. My heart wanted me to follow...

Ihab’s journey to becoming a therapist

by Ihab Darwiche  | April 24, 2022 | Culture My journey to becoming a counsellor is a long and winding one. When I was growing up I fell in love with the sciences, and burned through textbooks like the proud nerd I was. I loved learning about how...

Managing Anger that is Out of Control

Anger is an emotion that can feel overwhelming. For some of those, it can feel scary to experience anger. For some, anger may be the only emotion that they know how to use when they are hurt. When we fear the emotion, anger can feel like it is bursting out of control...

Tools for managing anxiety

Anxiety shows up in everyday lives. When we go for a drive, when we are about to write an exam, when we start a new job, when we meet new people. Anxiety is there to alert us to potential threats. When we experience anxiety, it shows that our body is doing the job but...

Mindfulness Exercises

Has that ever happened to you where you were on vacation, enjoying the sun and feeling the heat over your body and suddenly you realize and  think, “oh shoot! When I left work, did I send that meeting invite that I was asked to… When I get back I have so many things...

The Importance of Self-care

It is likely that you have heard the term self-care in your everyday life. What does this mean? Well, it literally means, taking care of our own self. The process of self-care does however take time and effort. It actually does require some work where we need to plan...