Mindfulness Exercises

Mindfulness Exercises

Has that ever happened to you where you were on vacation, enjoying the sun and feeling the heat over your body and suddenly you realize and  think, “oh shoot! When I left work, did I send that meeting invite that I was asked to… When I get back I have so many things...
The Importance of Self-care

The Importance of Self-care

It is likely that you have heard the term self-care in your everyday life. What does this mean? Well, it literally means, taking care of our own self. The process of self-care does however take time and effort. It actually does require some work where we need to plan...
What is Acceptance Commitment Therapy?

What is Acceptance Commitment Therapy?

            There are so many modalities out there in counselling. It is sometimes hard to decide what works for you. I can say that one of the favorite modalities I use during therapy is Acceptance Commitment...
Let’s Talk Trauma

Let’s Talk Trauma

We have all heard the word trauma. But what is trauma? There are numerous definitions for trauma but, as a trauma specialist, I believe instead of defining what trauma is, it is even more helpful to talk about what trauma isn’t! So, let’s debunk some myths...
Let’s Talk Addiction

Let’s Talk Addiction

Addictions are pain-relievers, they are band-aids on gunshot wounds.  For some individuals, something has hurt them.  Something has been taken away from them.  In many cases, safety itself has been taken away.  Addiction and some form of trauma...
How Do You Find The Right Counsellor?

How Do You Find The Right Counsellor?

I’m a big advocate of counselling. If you ever been in a session with me you know I can’t stop talking about how important I believe it is. Looking back, I probably wouldn’t have survived my dysfunctional family and the impact they had on me if I...